Jayso Electronics, Serving the Industry Since 1957
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Access Control
Complete DVR & NVR Kits
Wire & Cable
12" Door Cord, 2 Conductor, Ivory NDC-212I
21" Door Cord, Retractable, Curly, 2-Wire (Extends To 48"), RDC-9
Wide Gap Magnetic Reed Contact, Industrial, Surface Mount, Heavy Duty, With Screw Terminals JMS-37
3/8" Magnetic Reed Contact, Recess Mount, with Rare Earth Magnet JMS-RT21
From $2.95
Magnetic Reed Contact With Dress Cover, Surface Mount, White JMS-51CVW
Mini Magnetic Reed Contact, White, Surface Mount, with Screw Terminals JGS-100-TW
From $3.95
Surface Mount Magnetic Reed Contact, White JSM-200W
From $2.30
Mini Surface Mount Magnetic Reed Contact, Closed Circuit, With Snap-Off Mounting Tabs, White JMS-10C
Mini Surface Mount Magnetic Reed Contact, Open Circuit, With Snap-Off Mounting Tabs, White JMS-131
From $6.75
Overhead Door Magnetic Contact With Normally Open And Normally Closed Contacts JSM-226L-3Q
Magnetic Reed Plunger Switch, Metal Roller Ball, for Open Or Closed Loop Systems JRSW-21B
3/8" Magnetic Reed Contact, Recess Mount JMS-21
Mini Magnetic Reed Contact, Brown, Surface Mount, with Screw Terminals JGS-100-TB
Wide Gap Magnetic Reed Contact, Industrial, Surface Mount, Heavy Duty, With Wire Leads JMS-37L
Mechanical Magnetic Contacts, Surface Mount, With Gold Plated Silver Points For Open Or Closed Loop Systems, White JMS-38BW
3/8" Magnetic Reed Contact, Stubby, Recess Mount, With Screw Down Terminals JMS-T17
1/4" Magnetic Reed Contact, Recess Mount JMS-20
Electric Transfer Hinge JSD-H412
Cylindrical 2A Momentary Keyswitch With Solder Terminals JKS-095
Cylindrical 2A On/Off Keyswitch With Solder Terminals JKS-090